Saluki Cares
The Saluki Cares Office does not pay Student Bursar Bills or apply funds to student accounts.
Saluki Cares Emergency Fund Application
The Saluki Cares Emergency Fund was created by the Dean of Students Office with support from the SIU Foundation to assist Southern Illinois University Carbondale students with an unforeseen financial emergency or catastrophic event which may prevent them from continuing their education at SIU.
The Saluki Cares Emergency Fund will offer financial assistance in the form of one-time awards (up to, but not exceeding $500). Please note that financial awards cannot be issued to students in the form of cash payments.
How to Apply
- Complete the online application form, upload supporting documentation and submit to Saluki Cares.
- Your application will be reviewed by Saluki Cares. You may be may be asked to provide more or missing information from your application.
- You will be contacted via e-mail once a decision has been made regarding your application.